VIPER Transitions

From Idea to Reality: The Evolution of VIPER Transitions
VIPER Transitions was created after the launch of the Veteran Electrical Entry Program (VEEP). This unique program, run by the Electrical Training Alliance in association with NECA and the IBEW, places transitioning veterans in apprenticeships across the country. VIPER was modeled off this program with some dynamic changes!
VIPER Transitions recognizes the need for quality training and guaranteed career placement, but we know more is needed. We began by developing multiple pathways for veterans to gain access into more careers than just electrician. We now have multiple available career options for veterans and military spouses. With so many pathways formed and many more on the horizon, we focus on the things most programs forget, connection to resources, and the creation of a veteran support network.
When a veteran enters our program, we ensure they are connected to tangible mental health resources and are plugged into a network of other veterans there to support them along their journey. By equipping veterans with guaranteed careers, quality training, mental health resource, and a network of fellow veterans, VIPER Transitions is effectively ending veteran unemployment, underemployment, homelessness, while rebuilding a fractured support network.
Department of Defense (DOD) recognizes the need to successfully transition veterans to the civilian workforce and created a Skillbridge to address transitions.
VIPER Transitions is a DOD Skillbridge partner that is setting a new standard for the way a Skillbridge partner should operate.
We strive to keep good relationaships with Military Leadership, keeping an open line of communications with those in charge of leading our military personel.

Here’s What’s Happening Now
VIPER Transitions has launched its newest program! The VIPER Aviation Maintenance Program covers general aviation topics. Using a quality curriculum combined with a ton of hands-on projects, from dropping engines, removing wings, washing planes, to weight and balance, our veterans are getting blisters and learning what it means to be a reliable maintainer. We focus on producing veterans who will make the best employees their new company has ever had. We look forward to watching them excel in their new career!
VIPER's Influence in the aviation industry
Beginning in 2019 VIPER Transitions began working with the team assembled by the FAA to address workforce development: AAR Corp, ARSA, AMFA, and FAA Leadership.
We were the driving force behind FAA's recent decision to create a new exam for people who go through programs like the VIPER Aviation Maintenance Program.
The FAA will be releasing this new exam, along with guidance to go out to all the FAA branches, Air Carriers, and Instructional Institutions regarding this exam.
This exam will give VIPER graduates FAA recognized credentials to make the entry into recognized Institutions and the workforce easier.
This has never been done before!